Monday, November 22, 2010

Present sacks...

A while ago I got inspired to try and make personalized present sacks for the kids this Christmas. I call them "present sacks" because I don't "DO" Santa. Just my personal feelings on the matter. Why should some fat guy in a red suit get the credit for my lovely presents...anyhoo... beside the point. Stockings never quite seem large enough so a sack was a better idea.
Did I mention I'm the worlds worst sewer! Anything that requires a needle and thread would be taken over to the ma-in-laws...even I'm embarrassed to say putting on a button (only because I didn't have the "equipment" ;).

I went to spotlight for some inspiration and almost had a panic many fabric ideas...Where do I start...I just don't know!!!
Enter Home Economics Champion, My Ma-In-Law. I enlisted her help for some sewing lessons and expert knowledge on the subject matter. Poor her! I was a very fussy student. I had a particular way I wanted it to look in my head...but just needed the help to get it there...and this (drum roll please) is the finished product...

Now to fill them... Yay for Christmas.

Thanks so much Ma-In-Law for all your help!xx


Sima J said...

naww so cool!! I made one for Jared and now I kinda wish I hadn't coz I feel kinda obliged to make one for Kohen too only I can't be bothered tehe :-)

PaisleyJade said...

You are AMAZING! They look so fab - well done Jackie!!

Happy painter said...

Very well done indeed: Very little input from Ma-in-law. As I am a doer and not a teacher I need cograts too for keeping my hands off. (ALMOST):)
Great pupil:)