Thursday, September 16, 2010

Thankful Thursday- God Whispers

Bubba is 12 weeks old today. After swearing off ever having any more offspring after Baby number two...Im glad God twisted my arm into having just one more. 4 years ago I was so sleep deprived I thought I would go crazy. Having a new born and a toddler was such a trying experience that at my 3am feeds I would tell myself...remember this...Never, ever do this to yourself again. But I heard what I would describe as "God whispers". "You can do it...I will help you..."
Hubby remembered the hard times too and needed convincing that one more to add to the two, would make the family complete.
It wasn't easy getting bubba number three. After a miscarriage and few extra months of trying it seemed like it wouldn't happen. But we held on to the "God whispers". After a four year gap we welcomed our baby boy to the family. And I know God has been there with me through these 12 weeks... The third day baby blues didn't even surface...even though I was prepared. The generosity of others with dinners and gifts has made us feel overwhelmed with love. Even though he still wakes at least a couple of times a night...I still feel better and less tired during the day than I would after an afternoon shift at work. A couple of health issues and visits to the pediatricians, still I know that Gods peace is with us.

So today I'm thankful for a bubba who might not have been... unless I had trusted a God whisper instead of my own limitations and weakness'.


Rachel Kate said...

Great post J :) so glad you have another one. he's such a cute little blessing!! xo

PaisleyJade said...

Such a precious post - can't wait to get to know this little guy better!

Kendyl's Place said...

Beautiful post, and what an awesome attitude to have. We could all take a leaf out of your book Jacksta!

Weza said...

Hey Jackie, I am currently pregnant with baby #4, and totally relate to this post. We ummed and ahhhed about having this baby after having twins 4 1/2 years ago. But we both (mostly me) didnt feel like our family was quite complete. Then last year I fell pregnant accidentally and then had a miscarriage. it broke our hearts and really showed us how much we wanted another one. So now our wee boy is due in jan. I cant wait! Nice to 'meet you' via Paisley Jade. I have enjoyed a quick look around. xxx

Neetz said...

Oh Jack' what an awesome little guy too! I remember when you just had one and we'd go to Mainly Music!! She was (and still is) so darn gorgeous, and then there was this handsome new bubba with blondy hair and blue eyes... wow now so grown up... and now bubba... :) Exciting! You guys are a lovely family. ((hugs)).
PS: Did Les tell ya I bumped into him at the hospital the other day? It was so cool to see him, he's such a nice happy soul to have working there in that place!! :)
Thanks for your post, it was lovely xx

Jenny said...

That is a lovely post. I really want three, as well. Hubby wants two. I'm going to be praying that God will 'whisper' in his ear when the time comes! :o)