Wednesday, August 17, 2011

one proud mumma

Today was the kids school cross country run. In previous years Miss Joy has done well and been in the top three. So it is usually an exciting event. I encouraged them to do their best, aim high and go for the win.
Thankfully it was a sunny day. If you are from NZ you will know the last few days have literally been freezing. So it was a welcome relief to see the sun. The wind still had a winter crispness about it however.

In the morning while getting ready Joe had advised me that his shoes often flicked off when he ran, I reassured him it would be fine. So off they went for cross country.

Miss Joy warming up with some of her classMiss Joy and Bestie

Joe's first cross country run. He looks a little unsure.

And sure enough he starts running at the sound of the hooter and his shoe flicks off. I cringe for him as the other kids run off over the hill. He puts them on and tries to run..and they flick off again. I run to him, and tell him to take his shoes and socks off. He looks like he is going to burst into tears. I wait for the I don't want to do this tantrum and cling on. But off he runs over the hill after his little friends. We wait to see the outcome. I fully expect that he will come last...probably crying...probably going to blame me for his loss. I wait for the "I told you about those shoes!"
He comes up over the final hill. He's not crying, "Go Joe!" He runs down the chute to the sign in Marshall.
I got first place mumma! What?! And sure enough in come the rest of his little class mates after him.
I'm so proud. Not necessarily because he came first, but because he kept on going, even though he was so far behind and for actually finishing the race.

Miss Joy did well in her race too. First place all round. Well done Miss Joy and Joe!Grandma and Poppa come to support


Leonie said...

well done!!! you should be one proud mumma! what awesome results and awesome attitude!
My son ALWAYS has his shoes flick off at cross country too...what is with that?

Sima J said...

Yay for kids not giving up - and yay for them winning!! Awesome (see you at the Christian Interschool's cross country then?!)

Widge said...

That's awesome!

PaisleyJade said...

That was the coolest thing to see - well done kids!!

Neetz said...

Awesome mate!! Well done to them. Isn't it funny how your heart lurches for them when something doesn't go "quite as it should"??? I know when something happens like that with Ash, my mummy heart feels all sad for him...or wants to help etc... and sometimes they just need encouragement to keep on keeping on and they do alright! Yay you guys xxx

Anonymous said...

That sure is a proud moment!

lesmondj said...

One very proud Dada here too ;)

Meghan Maloney Photography said...

Awesome stuff. Perseverance and heart would be bursting right about now too!

Brigitte said...

Oh wow that is a really cool story! Good on him for keeping going. And to top it off he came in first!! Yep I'd be bragging about that one for a while ;) x

Gail said...

How fabulous!! What a day to remember!!